58,475 safe births

Arno Meili

In many FAIRMED project countries, the infant and maternal mortality rates are enormously high. Diseases such as tetanus, kilometer-long walks to poorly equipped maternity wards and the tradition of home birth are just some of the reasons. We are therefore committed to ensuring that expectant and new mothers have access to well-equipped birthing facilities.

Urmila discussing with her baby on her lap with other mothers from the mothers' group
Urmila discussing with her baby on her lap with other mothers from the mothers' group

In addition, we train local health workers in obstetrics and ensure that pregnant women receive competent advice and care in their communities. Within mothers' groups, the positive experiences are to be exchanged, knowledge spread and prejudices against hospitals and doctors reduced. With these funds, we succeeded in facilitating 58,475 safe births last year.

For example, in the case of Urmila Lama from Lamadanda, Nepal. "My in-laws were against my decision to deliver my second child in a hospital," says Urmila. This was despite the fact that she almost lost her first child due to complications during birth; she had severe bleeding and had to be taken to hospital. It was only thanks to the knowledge imparted to her in the mothers' group by FAIRMED health worker Rashmila that she was able to convince her parents-in-law not to follow the tradition of home birth and to give birth to her child at home.

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