Our topics

FAIRMED works to ensure that even the very poorest in Africa and Asia have access to basic medical care. The commitment of our exclusively local employees and the close cooperation with local authorities result in lasting projects. And by incorporating all those who are affected, these projects are able to have a long-term positive impact.

Our work follows the Sustainable Development Goals and the guiding principle of "Leave no one behind" of the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda.  In all of our projects, we ensure that even the most neglected population groups are able to exercise their right to health. These include discriminated ethnic groups, people with disabilities and particularly vulnerable women and children.

The young FAIRMED employee Nobina leads a group for people with disabilities in Nepal. The picture shows four participants of the group.

Our approach: exclusively local employees

In over 60 years of development cooperation, we have learned that the key to success is in our exclusively local employees. They know the local people, enjoy their trust and understand the changes that are required. This is crucial for our aim of strengthening local health structures enduringly and sustainably.

Ein FAIRMED-Mitarbeiter in Kamerun behandelt eine Buruli-Wunde am Bein eines Jugendlichen. Der Jugendliche sitzt vor einer Hütte in einem abgelegenen Dorf.

Our expertise: Neglected tropical diseases

Where the poorest of the poor live, neglected tropical diseases are widespread. We have 60 years of experience fighting these diseases of poverty, which are often curable by simple means, yet affect over a billion of the world's poorest people.

FAIRMED employee explains to several indigenous Aka how they can protect themselves from diseases. The Aka village with rudimentary thatched huts can be seen in the background. The picture shows three Aka women, two of whom are each holding a baby in their arms.

Our activities: Projects in Asia and Africa

To safeguard access to basic health care for the people within our projects, we pursue a large number of different activities. This includes training voluntary health workers, enabling safe births and ensuring that local health facilities are equipped with the necessary medical equipment and materials.